Master Theme

All components of Master theme Video illustrations

Master Shopify Theme’s components are shown here with video illustrations. Right from the beginning all steps are included in this page.

Master Shopify Theme: Recommended products by Metafields products

Master Shopify Theme: Bundle products by metafields

Master Shopify Theme: Product hotspot setup

Master Shopify Theme: How to setup rating

Master Shopify Theme: Collection page infinite scrolling, mobile filters, variant swatches

Master Shopify Theme: Collection ribbon and discount ribbon

Master Shopify Theme: Collection Grid

Master Shopify Theme: Breadcrumbs

Master Shopify Theme: Theme Introduction

Master Shopify Theme: Variant description by metafields

Master Shopify Theme: Image menu setup

Master Shopify Theme: Mega menu images

Master Shopify Theme: Discount popup

Master Shopify Theme: Badges

Master Shopify Theme: Testimonials

Master Shopify Theme: Scrolling announcement

Master Shopify Theme: Map